Men gonorrhea symptoms
Men gonorrhea symptoms

men gonorrhea symptoms

Laga M, Manoka A, Kivuvu M, Malele B, Tuliza M, Nzila N, Goeman J, Behets F, Batter V, Alary M, et al.Men with repeated episodes of gonorrhoea 1990-1992. A 13-year longitudinal analysis of risk factors and clinic visitation patterns of patients with repeated gonorrhea. Epidemiology of gonorrhea: current perspectives. Potterat JJ, Rothenberg RB, Woodhouse DE, Muth JB, Pratts CI, Fogle JS., 2nd Gonorrhea as a social disease.

men gonorrhea symptoms

Auxotypes and antimicrobial susceptibilities of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in black and white patients.


A trial of minocycline given after exposure to prevent gonorrhea. Harrison WO, Hooper RR, Wiesner PJ, Campbell AF, Karney WW, Reynolds GH, Jones OG, Holmes KK.Some factors affecting the incubation period and duration of symptoms of urethritis in men. Has the incubation period of gonorrhoea undergone a change? Acta Derm Venereol. PPNG at St Thomas' Hospital-a changing provenance. Diagnostic, clinical, and laboratory aspects. Links to PubMed are also available for Selected References. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (959K), or click on a page image below to browse page by page.


Full textįull text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Microscopy of urethral smears remains useful in symptomatic men but is less sensitive in those without symptoms. Only 48.1% of men described the classical symptoms of discharge with dysuria. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the incubation and infectious period of urethral gonorrhoea has increased compared with previous studies and that symptoms have altered. In this population, a dose of 2 g of ampicillin with 1 g of probenecid gave a high cure rate of gonorrhoea as long as infection was not due to penicillinase-producing organisms. Microscopy of rectal samples were positive in 46.4% of cases. Urethral gonorrhoea was diagnosed by microscopy in 94.4% of symptomatic men and in only 81.1% of asymptomatic men. In 10.2% episodes of urethral infection the patients had no symptoms referable to their gonorrhoea. Discharge with dysuria were present in only 48.1% of patients. Of 1615 men with urethral infection 81.9% complained of discharge, while dysuria occurred in 52.8%.

men gonorrhea symptoms

By 14 days 86.2% of men had developed symptoms. The mean infectious period was 12.0 days. In 228 men with a known date of infection, the incubation period, a mean of 8.3 days, was longer than previously described. A high incidence of gonorrhoea was found in attenders of African or Caribbean extraction. RESULTS: 1749 cases of gonorrhoea were seen in 1382 men. METHODS: A retrospective study of all men with gonorrhoea presenting to an inner city department of genitourinary medicine in the years 1990 to 1992. AIM: To review the features of gonococcal infection in men in the 1990s.

Men gonorrhea symptoms